Thursday, March 09, 2006

amazing new game

ok, so yeah, maybe ewan and i have loads of work due in next week, and aren't quite making best use of our lab right now-but this is so much more fun!

Pick two words,go to wikipedia and and see how many links it takes you to get from one to the other, just now our challenge is from cheese to cliff richard.

Ewan managed it in 5!


Blogger Dish said...

haha, was talking about that game this weekend with my cousins! How bizarre!

8:27 pm

Blogger michie said...

sorry, i explained it terribly. oh dear, i really wasn't making much sense yesterday. See edited post for the actual rules of our game

9:30 am

Blogger Dish said...

The way we did it was... cheese, string, theory etc. etc.

11:36 am

Blogger michie said...

right, i still not making this clear- the game is, look up cheese on wikipedia, then by clicking on a link on the cheese page, then successive linkage through other pages, to arrive at cliff richard.

1:30 am


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