Saturday, June 17, 2006


Right peoples, from between 1.40pm on the 23rd July till 4.30pm on the 27th July, have a nice break from work.Any ideas for what t do with this time? I'd quite like to go away somewhere: prerquisites of suggestions are: somewhere kinda cheap. relaxing, out of glasgow,and preferabley somewhere where I can't feed my habit of checking examsurf like every hour-it's just not neccesary.

Also, check my brother in his prom outfit, it may have topped his purple effort from last year. I want the hat!


Blogger Dish said...

visit queensferry with me!

2:43 pm

Blogger michie said...

cancel the holiday plan i'm afraid. extra shifts to get money and extra driving before test seems to be the way:(

6:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

your exam results are scheduled for tomorrow.

Pretend the shifts and driving are a holiday and tell everyone youre really psyched up about it.

12:14 pm

Blogger michie said...

good idea. though work is actually ace! Maybe i could continue as a science communicator when i grow up! Got physics back, it wasn't awful-they must have lower the pass marks i reckon :P

2:33 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

how old is your bor ;)

11:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i meant bro and don't worry it's just a joke... I just realised one cannot detect tone in my typing... ahhh! Now I've probably offended you, David and everyone else in the whole wide world...

One, Two, Three;

11:02 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi Mish!

4:33 pm


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