Monday, November 14, 2005

the funniest thing i've seen in ages:)

ok, so went home yesterday to do the youth work at netherthird-might blog properly about that later- but this credits a mention now. I suppose it was quite an, "you had to be there," moment, but I tried to aid the telling of my tale with some very sophisticated pictures so you can visualise the events.

So, whilst tidying up, ch(yellow head) asks me(blue head) to help her put down the earth ball.

She informs me this will work best if we both assume the same position, so we start lying down.

earth ball deflates, she gets uncomfortable, and sits up on it.

she tells me it'll deflate quicker if i sit up too, so I sit on it and...
Ch is catapaulted into the air in the most comical manner you could imagine
.Whilst I am left struggling for breath due to laughter whilst ch wallops against the wall and under a pew:)

She does now have a massive lump on her head, but she admits, it was funny.


Blogger nealb said...

genius illustrations!

9:43 am

Blogger michie said...

why thank you:)

12:07 pm

Blogger TLT said...

heheh... *laughs muchly*

poor ch... *hehe*

10:24 pm

Blogger dave.t said...

lol... with some experience of earthball calamities myself I can imagine the hilarity this caused :)

12:16 pm

Blogger michie said...

hee, i still giggle when i remember this! ch, of course you have permission for them to be included in the holy water tour book!

2:54 pm

Blogger michie said...

a year or two later and I'm still laughing when i read this

11:23 pm

Blogger michie said...

and again, more years later

10:57 pm


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