Tuesday, November 08, 2005

time for s photo

seeing as my blog's looking dead boring and imageless, here's a photo-me jenni and the bairn at the science centre-incidently, found out there are monthly .plantetarian lectures if anyone's up for it! I'll be going nonetheless-next one's on 24th november

(totally just procrastinating-i don't want to go to the library. You know, i remember who taught me the word procrastination-good old
alasdair thomson. it's a good job he did, it's a very commonly used word during term time in uni-funny that)


Blogger Dish said...

awwwww!!! Calum's so cute! We studied that big model in psychology! Or at least what the model represents!

6:17 pm

Blogger michie said...

beth was saying today that they were looking at it in medicine as well!
(it's a sad day when flatmates talk to each other via blog comments)

8:33 pm

Blogger nealb said...

indeed we were!
today of all days!
what nice conincidence!


11:46 pm

Blogger Dish said...

yeah but its not like we see each other that often, or are ever all in the flat at the one time! ;)

11:20 am

Blogger nealb said...

apparently when blind people make sculptures of the face, thats what they percieve the face to look like, because of the relative amounts of sensory receptors in different areas.

1:50 pm

Blogger michie said...

the very same fact that beth told me:) Tis quite interesting though!

2:03 pm


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