Thursday, March 23, 2006

snow day

How amazing was glasgow with like knee high snow! And how blessed was I that it was a sunday, so wasn't going to do any of the daft amount of work that was due in the dreaded-last-week-of-term-and-so-the-one-with-all-the-deadlines anyway! Soooo cool(no pun intended)

It was like a disney film as well-everyone stopping to chat to each other, helping each other dig out cars, sharing the implement-of-choice-for-sledging, whether that be binbag, sledge, tray, canoe, bath tub!

St silas morning service was beautiful, a smaller simplistic service with such an air of excitement, and a proper mixing of people before it started rather than staying in our own student group.

Then there was the igloo building! Funny after studying nehemiah at church...

Neal-hemiah took charge of the situation. Dave, chief blockmaker along with his fellow vineyarder Jamie went to work and rebuilt the bottom corner, Judith the women of Switzerland, built next to them, and Jo built the adjoining section. Isabell set to work repairing the door and next to her...
There was some ridicule from san-randoms-in-the-park-Ballat, and we set up guards armed with snowballs against them.

Sorry, enough with the silly parallels! Was properly, a really good, if a little wet and cold day! And lets hope we manage to keep bridging the young professional and student groups, from church, and don't just leave it till the next snowyday!
(the black and white photo is jamie's)


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