Tuesday, December 13, 2005

what a course

only in physics/astronomy would you have to write 2000 words about an event which lasted 0.0000000000000000000000000000001 seconds.


Blogger michie said...

it would be good. Sadly, it takes longer to say the word inflation, nevermind write the essay. But nevermind- tis finished now:)

4:12 pm

Blogger lil stef said...

What took such a short space of time?

4:07 pm

Blogger michie said...

inflation, (after the big bang...maybe!) It's terribly intersting though! Any questions and i'd be happy to talk about it:)

6:14 pm

Blogger lil stef said...

Oh wow! I found a page from your notes when I was cleaning up after the houseparty and read some of it. Ok, so I'm not some sort of physics expert, but it sounded really interesting. Hmmm... I'll totally take you up on your offer, but I haven't got any just now. I'll have to rack my brain and remember the ones I wanted to ask you... Amazing!

2:15 pm

Blogger lil stef said...

Wow! I'm so going to take you up on the offer! But I can't remember what the questions I had were right now... (well done, Steph!) Totally will get back to you though!

2:17 pm

Blogger michie said...

hee, i'm glad it interests you steph! oh dear, did i really take physics notes to house party? unless it was the lecture notes i gave to mr shirley explaining the difference between astrology(=rubbishness) and astronomy(proper hard core extreme science)

11:17 pm


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