Saturday, December 17, 2005

well, think that's the transition made...

I'm actually nocturnal. The past couple of weeks have been spent hanging out with folks(consisting of ice-skating, pub-age, pantos, banterous carol singing on ashton lane with dave, neal, dish and kirsty, eating lots of food-the weekly soup with struan, and swiss judith's tapas being particular highlights) till 1am-ish, and then working in the flat on labs and essays (or a sneaky watching of star trek voyager) till 4am-ish. But now, i think my nocturnal staus has been confirmed when i came home at 8.30am, whilst the sun was rising behind the uni, and woke up at 3, when it was getting dark. Ah, the post-lecture period of student life is grand.


Blogger nealb said...

the challenge now is that instead of just immediately going back to normal bedtimes, you continue to push the limits by one hour each day, untill eventually get back in sync.. that would be hardcore!

(and you would see the stars more often too)

6:53 pm

Blogger TLT said...

hehehe nice....

although i try sooooo hard to avoid that nocturnal life these days... *hehe* i think i'm getting old *shock*


10:56 pm

Blogger michie said...

you're right tlt, you're just not a young thing like me anymore ;p

Well, getting less nocturnal, the next night was just as silly- had dinner at 1am, still didn't get up till 3, but today got up at 1, dinner at 11pm. so it's getting less ridiculous.

1:38 am

Blogger TLT said...

harsh... i'm not that much older than you!!! :P

12:18 am

Blogger michie said...

struan-you're right, nocturnalness=not good-unless of course there are good observing conditions at night.

tlt-:p it's just funny how every so often, you forget i'm younger, so i often get to drag out the fun of your "maturity"

11:14 pm


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